Fallout 4 weapons overhaul

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With a world so large, not every cool place ends up markable on the map.

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However, some fans miss many of the coolest places in Fallout 4. This adventure takes the player across the map as they run into quite a few familiar faces, historical and pop-culture references, and big baddies. RELATED: The 10 Best Fallout 4 Immersion Mods To Dateīethesda's most recent Fallout hit was Fallout 4, which was their largest game to date (ignoring Fallout 76, a critical flop). In Fallout 4, fans play as the Sole Survivor, a pre-war human who ends up searching for their son in a wasteland version of Boston. After all, who doesn't love finding a visual representation of Poe's ending to A Casque of Amontillado hidden in the walls of The Castle? These kinds of details are well done, clever, and keep fans wanting more.

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Not only are Bethesda's games chock full of exciting missions that are both light-hearted and serious, but they also have endless clever and impressive details. Between its Fallout and Elder Scrollsfranchises, Bethesda has become a gamer favorite for expansive, open worlds that feel filled to the brim.